
ASAI Networking Event 2024

WU Vienna (Lernzone des TC (Welthandelsplatz 1, 1020 Wien), 2nd Floor, Room TC.2.01 and “TC Lernzone”.)

The ASAI will host this year's networking event on July 23, 2024, from 15:30 to 18:30, co-located with ICML 2024 in Vienna.

The goal of the event is to bring together experts, researchers, and enthusiasts from all over the country. It aims to provide a platform for attendees to share their knowledge, insights, and ideas on the latest developments in AI and to foster new collaborations and partnerships. With a diverse lineup of project presentations and AI community members, the event promises to be an exciting and informative experience for all participants.

To register for a group presentation, please visit the event web page ( and submit an application via the application form. There is also a registration form for mere attendees.