ASAI team

ASAI board members

Bernhard Moser ©privat

Bernhard Moser

ASAI President

Bernhard Moser is Privatdozent for Mathematics at the Johannes Kepler University Linz and Research Director at Software Competence Center Hagenberg (SCCH). He is interested in the mathematical foundations of data-driven and human-centric AI. He is coordinator of the FFG COMET module "S3AI: Safe and Secure Shared AI by Deep Model Design" and of the H2020 ICT-38 project "TEAMING.AI: Human-AI Teaming Platform for Maintaining and Evolving AI Systems in Manufacturing".

Georg Dorffner ©privat

Georg Dorffner

ASAI Vice President and ASAI Vice Treasurer

Georg Dorffner is professor at the Institute for Artificial Intelligence & Decision Support at the Medical University of Vienna. He was one of the pioneers in Austria in the field of neural networks for machine learning in the 1980s and conducts applied research in this field with a focus on signal processing in medicine. He is also Curriculum Director of the Master's program in Medical Informatics.

Bernhard Nessler ©privat

Bernhard Nessler

ASAI Vice President

Bernhard Nessler is university assistant at the Institute for Machine Learning in Sepp Hochreiter's team at the Johannes Kepler University Linz; his research topics include Deep Learning, Computational Neuroscience. He is head of the industrial collaborations for technical applications of deep learning and autonomous robotics; he is a founding member of the European AI Excellence Initiative ELLIS and a member of the ELLIS Coordination Committee (ECC).

Axel Polleres ©privat

Axel Polleres

ASAI Vice President

Axel Polleres is Professor for Data and Knowledge Engineering at the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration and Director of the Institute for Information Management. He is engaged in intelligent data management such as open data and knowledge graphs. Since 2017 he is Faculty Member of the Complexity Science Hub Vienna. In 2018 he held a visiting professorship at Stanford University within the Distinguished Visiting Austrian Chair Professors Program, where he worked together with the Stanford Center for Biomedical Informatics Research (BMIR).

Stefan Woltran ©privat

Stefan Woltran

ASAI Secretary General

Stefan Woltran is Professor for Formal Foundations of Artficial Intelligence at the Institute for Logic and Computation at the Vienna University of Technology. His research investigates the formal foundations of logic-based methods of artificial intelligence, especially with respect to complexity analysis and algorithm design. He is Fellow of the European Association for AI and was awarded the FWF START Prize in 2013.

Robert Legenstein ©privat

Robert Legenstein

ASAI Vice General Secretary

Robert Legenstein is Professor of Artificial Intelligence and Director of the Institute for the Foundations of Information Processing at the Graz University of Technology. His research interests are information processing in biological and artificial neural systems and neuromorphic machine learning; he is involved in the European Human Brain Project (HBP) and is coordinator of the Chist-ERA project "SMALL: Spiking Memristive Architectures for Learning to Learn". He is a founding member of the European AI Excellence Initiative ELLIS.

Wolfgang Faber ©privat

Wolfgang Faber

ASAI Treasurer

Wolfgang Faber is Professor for Semantic Systems at the Alpen Adria University Klagenfurt. His research includes: Logic-based artificial intelligence, semantic systems, declarative programming, non-monotonic reasoning, planning, complexity, ontologies, deductive databases; he is co-founder of DLVSYSTEM s.r.l., a spin-off company of the University of Calabria.

Günter Klambauer

Head of ASAI Working Group on Machine Learning

Günter Klambauer is Assistant Professor at the Institute for Machine Learning at the Johannes Kepler University Linz and head of the research group for AI in Life Sciences. He is one of the leading scientists in his field and was awarded the Austrian Life Science Award for introducing machine learning methods in molecular biology. He is known for the invention of self-normalizing neural networks. He is a founding member of the European AI Excellence Initiative ELLIS.

Thomas Eiter ©privat

Thomas Eiter

Head of ASAI Working Group on Symbolic AI

Thomas Eiter is Professor for Knowledge-based Systems at the Vienna University of Technology. His current working interests are knowledge representation and processing, declarative problem solving and logic-based AI. He is Fellow of the European Association for AI, corresponding member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, and member of the Academia Europea (London).

Brigitte Krenn

Head of ASAI Working Group on Natural Language Processing

Brigitte Krenn is Deputy Director of the Austrian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence (OFAI). Her research focuses on understanding and computationally modelling human communication and interaction capabilities. This includes natural language processing where she combines linguistic analysis with data-driven and machine-learning-based approaches, as well as behaviour modelling and language learning in artificial agents including robots and cobots.

Marta Sabou ©privat

Marta Sabou

Head of ASAI Working Group on Education

Marta Sabou is Professor for Information Systems and Business Engineering at the Vienna University of Economics and Business. She leads the Semantic Systems research group with the mission of achieving human-centred automation with positive societal impact. To that end, the group focuses on research in the areas of knowledge engineering, neuro-symbolic symbolic systems and human computation applied to various real-life problems.

Former ÖGAI/ASAI presidents

For further details about former board members and presidents, see

ASAI administration and volunteers

Valentina Lackstätter

Organization BWKI und ASAI

Valentina Lackstätter is currently pursuing her degree in Artificial Intelligence at the Johannes Kepler University in Linz. She joined the ASAI in April 2021 and her responsibilities include organizing the „Bundeswettbewerb für Künstliche Intelligenz (BWKI)“ in Austria, the administration of ASAI as well as the coordination of the AI ambassadors.

Lilia Gerber

AI Ambassador

Lilia Gerber is a passionate AI ambassador who is deeply interested in machine learning and promoting the Austrian-wide student competition for AI (BWKI). She is currently studying informatics at HTL-Spengergasse and works as a Junior Software Consultant in the field of Data Science. She is dedicated to inspiring the next generation of AI professionals and is committed to driving progress and innovation in the field.

Luis Kalckstein

AI Ambassador

Luis Kalckstein is a computer science student at the HTL-Spengergasse and works as Data Scientist on the application of Machine Learning in Software Test Automation. He is also focusing on projects for the use of Machine Learning for environmental impact. As AI Ambassador, he contributes to the promotion of the Austrian-wide student competition for Artificial Intelligence (BWKI).

Maximilian Wolf

AI Ambassador

Maximilian Wolf is passionate about advancing artificial intelligence to expand our understanding of the universe. He focuses on projects beyond the LLM-paradigm, such as RL, world models, self-assembling networks, and the intersection to neuroscience. As a computer science student and AI Ambassador, he aims to inspire the next generation of AI researchers and practitioners.

Lukas Leeb

AI Ambassador

Lukas Leeb is a computer science student passionate about artificial intelligence, computation theory, and low-level systems, including lower-level programming, compilers and (distributed) software architecture. Driven by intellectual curiosity, he works on projects in these fields to deepen his understanding and contribute to open-source and research. As an AI Ambassador, he seeks to share his enthusiasm for AI and computational systems with others.